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Soal Ulangan Semester 1

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Text 1.
On Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Sywa temples because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Jogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continues our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.

1. The text above mainly discusses about ….
a.     the writer’s trip to Jogyakarta.
b.    The writer’s first visit to Prambanan.
c.     The writer’s impression about the guide.
d.    The writer’s experience at Jogya Kraton.
e.     The writer’s impression about Borobudur.

02. The purpose of the text is to ...  .
a.     tell past events.
b.    entertain readers
c.     describe a journey
d.    report an event to the readers
e.     inform readers about events of the day.

03. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
a.     The writer and the students went to Jogyakarta for having a research.
b.     The writer went to Borobudur first and then to Kraton.
c.     The writer was very disappointed with the guide.
d.     Malioboro is very far from Dirgahayu Hotel.
e.     Them writer left for Jakarta on Friday 

04. Why were they lucky when they were in Yogya Palace ?
      Because ...  .
a.     the palace has been opened
b.    the ticket is very cheap
c.     they have hair cut for the tickets
d.    they have a smart and friendly guide
e.     they have a very strict guide

Text 2
This text is for question 20 – 24.

            Long long ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz, they talked and talked.
            One day, Mosquito was talking to Iguana, telling her about his vacation, about every minute of his vacation. Mosquito would not let Iguana say one word. Iguana was so annoyed that she walked away, leaving Mosquito still talking. Iguana grumbled and waved her tail.
            She was still grumbling when she passed her friend Snake, and forgot all about saying hello. Snake was feeling hurt. He let so sad that he slithered down a rabbit’s hole.
            “ Help !” yelled Rabbit as she scurried out hole, terrified of Snake.
            “ What’s wrong?” cawed Crow as he saw Rabbit racing. Danger must be near,” Run for your lives !” cawed Crow.
            Monkey heard Crow’s warning and took off through the tree post, leaping branch to branch. When monkey landed on Owl’s branch, high up in a leafy tree. Owl’s nest tipped of the branch and fell to the ground, breaking Owl’s eggs. Owl was heartbroken, so much that she didn’t hoot for the sun to come up.
            The whole jungle was mad at Mosquito. Finally Owl hooted for the sun to come up and when it did, Mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone’s ears. “ Zzzzzzzzzz ! Is everyone still mad at me ?”

05. What did the Monkey do to the Owl’s eggs ?
a.     Monkey broke the Owl’s eggs when he was on the branch.
b.    Monkey climbed on Owl’s tree when he heard Crow’s warning.
c.     Monkey damaged the Owl’s nest when he climbed the tree.
d.    Monkey fell on the Owl’s eggs when he climbed the tree
e.     Monkey made the Owl’s nest fall when he landed on Owl’s branch

06. The communicative purpose of this text is ….
a.     to describe a place.
b.    To entertain or amuse.
c.     To explain a place.
d.    To give a view of an art work.
e.     To inform

07. Why did Iguana grumble ?
       Because ....  .
a.     Mosquito told him about his vacation
b.    Iguana was annoyed so he walked away
c.     Mosquito wouldn’t allowed him to say a word.
d.    Mosquito talked and talked
e.     Iguana waved her tail

08. She was still grumbling when she passed the Snake.
       The underlined refers to ...  .
a.     the Snake                      d. Iguana
b.    the Owl                         e.  Rabbit
c.     The Mosquito

09. Finally, Owl hooted for the sun to come up and when it did, Mosquito lost his voice. ( Pr. 7 )
       The underlined means ....  .
a.     the Owl hooted              d.  the Crow cawed
b.    Mosquito lost his voice  e.  the sun came up
c.     The Snake hissing

Text 3.

Germinating Petunia Seeds

Aim (Goal)
Follow these instruction to  germinate Petunia seeds
Materials and equipment
You will need:
-       a packet of petunia seeds
-       a seed tray  or small pole
-       loamy friable soil or potting mix
-       water
-       fertilizer
1.     Fill seed tray with soil.
2.     Incorporate fertilizer into soil
3.     Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil.
4.     Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly
5.     Spray water to moisten the seed bed
6.     Place  seed tray in warm, sunny position  (at least  25 deg C )
7.     Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10 – 14 days

10.     What kind of  material and equipment needed to plant Petunia?
  1. water, fertilizer, petunia seeds, small hole, friable soil
  2. water, fertilizer, petunia needs, small hole, friable soil
  3. water, fertilimer, petunia seeds, small hole, friable soil
  4. water, fertilizer, petunia seeds, small hole, friable soil
  5. weter, fertilizer, petunia seeds, small hole, friable soil

11.  X          : How many steps are needed to plant Petunia?
Y    : There are ….. steps.
  1. four
  2. five
  3. six
  4. seven
  5. eight

12.  X          : What must we put to the  seed tray?
Y    : We must put…
  1. water
  2. soil
  3. fertilizer
  4. Petunia seeds
  5. Plastic sheed

13.  X          : What is used to cover the seed?
Y    : We use…..
  1. water
  2. soil
  3. fertilizer
  4. air
  5. sand

14.  X          : Where must we place the seeds?
Y    : We must place them…….. position
  1. cold sunny
  2. warm windy
  3. cold windy
  4. warm sunny
  5. cold hot

15.  X          : How to keep the soil moist?
Y    : by …….them
  1. cleaning
  2. watering
  3. digging
  4. germinating
  5. drying

16.  X          : How long is the time needed to germinating Petunia?
Y    : It needs approximately ……….
  1. fourteen days
  2. fifteen days
  3. sixteen days
  4. seventeen days
  5. eighteen days

17. X    : The text above is belong to ………..genre.
      Y    : I think so.
A.    recount
B.    twist
C.    report
D.    procedure
E.    explanation

18. X    : Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating (last step)
      Y    : The antonym  of the underlined word is…
A.    hard
B.    fast
C.    softly
D.    quietly
E.    quickly

Text 4
Why do Hawks Hunt Chicks.
  Once upon time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the  sky and asked the hen ,” Won’t you marry me ?”
The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wished to marry him. But she said,” I can not fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then we can fly together The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring.” This is to show that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “ Throw that ring away at once !” shouted  the rooster. Then she was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw  away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “ Why didn’t you tell me earlier ? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above to catch your children,” said the hawk.
            The curse seems to have come true.

19. Why couldn’t the hen say ‘”yes” right away ?
a.     Because she did not love the hawk
b.    Because she had no ring to exchange
c.     Because it would make the roaster angry.
d.    Because the hawk was too brave and strong
e.     Because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk

20. What is the story about ?
a.     A hen and a rooster        d.  A rooster and his fiance
b.    A hawk and his wife        e.  A hawk, hen and rooster
c.     A hen and her children

21. The hawk flew down from the  sky and asked the hen ,” Won’t you marry me ?” ( Paragraph 1)
     What does the underlined mean ?
      a.    The hen wanted to marry the hawk.
b.     The hen refused to marry the hawk.
c.     The hen  agreed to be the hawk’s wife
d.     The hawk proposed the hen to be his wife.
e.     The hawk wanted to marry the hen at the sky.

22. Why was the rooster angry when he saw the ring ?
a.     The hen had betrayed him
b.    The hen had stolen his ring.
c.     The hen didn’t wear her own ring.
d.    The ring was not good for the hen
e.     The ring was too small for he hen.

23. What can we learn from the story ?
      We have to ...  .
a.     take care of our children           d. listen to others
b.    keep our promise                     e.  marry soon
c.     love one another

Text 5


I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side.

At first I thought a tyre had gone but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks.The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car.When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasn’t much left.

24. What is the aim of the text ?
      It is to ....
a.     to retell events with a homorous twist.
b.    to retell events for the purpose of informing.
c.     to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
d.    to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps.
e.     to inform readers, listeners or viewers about an events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

25. What kind of natural disaster happened ?
  1. flood                            d.  earthquake
  2. forest fire                      e.  tsunami
  3. storm

26. Where was the writer when the earthquake happened ?
  1. he was riding the horse
  2. he was driving a long the coast
  3. he was getting back to town
  4. he was abandoning the car
  5. he got a flat tyre

27. What did the writer think when the car lurched to one side ?
      He / She thought ....
a.     car hit him                    d.  the telegraph poles fell   on his car 
b.    he had a tyre flat                             
c.     a tyre had gone                           e. the rock fell on the car

28. What happened to the town when he got back there ? The wrong answer is ....
a.     the town is completely destroyed
b.    the town is in ruin
c.     there wasn’t much left
d.    the town is completely in destruction
e.     the town is okay

The following numbers have no relation with the text above

29.After putting the sugar to the glass ….it for about 2 minutes.
  1. make
  2. add
  3. stir
  4. serve
  5. prepare

30.………the ice into the glass and shake !
  1. drop
  2. put
  3. send
  4. buy
  5. sell

31.  If  you want to make a coffee, ……..prepare one spoon of coffee and two spoonful of sugar. Then put them into a cup. ………..pour hot boiled water .Stir it and the coffee is ready to serve.
  1. after – then
  2. before –next
  3. first – before
  4. first – next
  5. after that – first

32. The juice ……….ready to drink
  1. is
  2. are
  3. was
  4. were
  5. be

33. Shopkeeper             : What can I do for you, mom?
Mrs. Brown : Yes, I need….
  1. cucumber green American  big and long fresh
  2. cucumber fresh green American  big and long
  3. green American cucumber big and long fresh
  4. Fresh big and long green  cucumber American 
  5. Fresh big and long green American cucumber

34.   Dani          : Hello, How are you?
        Shelly       : ……., I’m fine thanks
A.    good morning
B.    How do you do
C.    Hi
D.    Really
E.    I ‘m glad to meet you

35. Bambang    : I have to go now. ……………
      Beni            : so long
  1. how are you
  2. hello
  3. good day
  4. see you later
  5. fine

36. Mr. Herman  : Would you mind coming to my party tonight?
      Mr. Hery                  : ……………….I have to accompany  my mother. She is in the hospital
A.    I’d love to
B.    Yes, of course
C.    Don’t worry, I will come
D.    OK
E.    I’d love to, but

37. Kelly           : ……………….at McDonald at four.
      Sari            : Of course. I’ll be there
  1. would you mind going
  2. could we meet
  3. can we meeting
  4. would you like to meeting
  5. I’d would like to introduce you

38. The runner run ……………..trough the lane.
  1. smoothly
  2. slowly
  3. quietly
  4. quickly
  5. bravely

39. Y    : When did you arrive from London?
      X :  I ……. Back from my trip to London this morning.
      A. to come
      B. comes
      C. come
      D. coming
      E. came

40.          X : What did you do last night? I phoned you many times, but you didn’t answer.
      Y : I ……… the kitchen  when you phoned me.
      A.  cooked
      B.  cook
      C.  was cooking
      D.  were cooking
      E.  cooks

B. Essay

41.  Fill the  blank with the suitable expression of showing happiness
       Any           : Look! You got A for your English test?
       Andi          : …………………………….

42. Fill in the blank with the suitable expression of giving promise
      Linda          : Doni, Don’t break any glasses more!
      Doni           : ………………………………

43. Fill in the blank with the suitable expression of giving sympathy.
      Alia             : My father was died on the plane crashed in Yokyakarta yesterday.
      Mona          : ……………………………….

44.  Arrange the words on the bracket into proper noun phrase!
       Andika       : What do you want to buy, Lin?
       Lina           : I want to buy  …. ( fresh – some – green- big – apples)

45.  Fill the blank with suitable adverb
       Kinta          : Mom,  how should  I wash this skirt?
       Mother       : Please, wash the skirt ………

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